
News: Anne Heung Supports Anti-Smoking Campaigns

Carol Cheng (Dodo), Anne Heung joined 'Smokeless Dining Ambassadors' Niki Chow and Kevin Cheng at an anti-smoking event in Causeway Bay yesterday and the health-conscious Carol shared her experiences of days with bad vices, when she would smoke and play mah jong, once playing for three days solidly at the new year, even crazier than some housewives.

Anne has severe respitory allergies so she has supported the anti-smoking campaign all along, but she did have to learn to smoke whilst filming for a series earlier. In the end, the producer deleted all her smoking scenes because he said they looked too fake. She smiles: "Although it was a shame, but that experience made me hate smoking even more because it made me stink. (Will you choose a boyfriend who does not smoke?) Most of my friends around me smoke, but my boyfriend will not smoke around me because this is an element of respect."

Lately, Anne has been filming "Best Bet" and "Troublesome Daddy" and hopes that she can get a short vacation for Christmas. Anne reveals that she is sensitive to the scent of smoke, thus she supports this campaign.

Courtesy of Em @ tvbspacenews.blogspot.com, Ta Kung Pao, Ming Pao

1 comment:

Mark Wilson said...

Cigarettes contain Nicotine that is not good for the health. Nicotine is the drug in tobacco that causes addiction. It is absorbed and enters the bloodstream, through the lungs when smoke is inhaled, and through the lining of the mouth (buccal mucosa) when tobacco is chewed or used as oral snuff or for non-inhaled pipe and cigar smoking. At the time of smoking, you take deep breathing and inhale the smoke this deep breathing of smoke is the main reason for the relaxation response in the body. You can get this type of relaxation even in the fresh oxygen than why there is cigarette smoke.
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